Real estate finance
In recent years investors and lenders have increasingly combined traditional financing tools and created alternative finance structures, and we have developed a broad approach to meet the changing needs of the market. Achour law firm has leading real Estate finance practice.
In today’s economy, the knowledgeable purchase, development, financing, leasing and sale of property for business and investment purposes is the key to success. Our real estate finance team represent sophisticated clients at all phases of this process.
Our real estate finance team advise both lenders and borrowers in finance transactions throughout the real estate industry. Clients know they can rely on us at all stages of their real estate transactions, from the term sheet and structuring stage, through closing, tranching, syndication and securitization, administration, servicing and, if required, restructuring.
We advise advanced investment banks, specialist real estate lenders, borrowers, funds and investors on their critical and pioneering transactions. No other practice can match our in- depth knowledge and unique understanding of every aspect of real estate finance in the market.
Outside the real estate and finance arena, few projects put as much money on the line or are as important to the future of a business. And few decisions are more critical for real estate and finance success than choosing the right partners. At Achour law firm, our real estate finance specialists are committed to being good partners for our clients and providing innovative representation that is second to none in its comprehensiveness, vision and professionalism. With an in- depth knowledge and integrated, our real estate finance team find creative solutions to help our clients save money, avoid pitfalls and achieve success.
We represent public and private companies, commercial and industrial developers, REITs, commercial banks, insurance companies, institutional lenders, pension funds, mortgage servicers, investment banks, contractors, domestic and offshore investors, hospitals and governments in a wide range of traditional and innovative real estate-related matters and projects.
Our approach in real estate finance is to find the right solution, which is not always the easy or obvious one, guided by our exceptional industry knowledge.
Our real estate finance practice includes advising on large loan, loan workouts, leasing, securitisation, the formation of real estate investment funds, secondary market debt acquisitions, real estate mergers and acquisitions, joint venture structuring and complex real estate acquisitions.
We can also help you with:
- Islamic Finance
- Corporate finance
- Shipping finance